Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How does your garden grow....?

Preston and I are actually shocked (well...I know I am atleast...anyone that knows me know that I have NEVER kept anything alive...sad I know) that our garden is becoming a complete success. Tonight we got to actually pick the first "fruits of our labor"! What an awesome feeling to start something from scratch, building it with your hands and now tomorrow we'll be having our own homegrown squash for dinner!!! Greyson loves to go and rake in the garden. He only rakes the same little spot over and over but he is so cute when he says, "Mommy, don't talk to me....I'm "concerrating" (read: concentrating)". All 10 of our plants are blooing and our tomato plants are full of green tomatoes. The squash and peppers are already starting and it won't be long before they're all ready for the pickin'!!!

Kittens make us happy!!!

B and PopPop's cat had three kittens and we got to see them this past weekend. To be honest though, it wasn't the kittens that were responsible for Em's CHEESY was the camera. She is the most camera-ready 15-month old you will ever see. Greyson loved the kittens and even named one Stuart and one Snowball from the movie Stuart Little!

Adventures in Sister's Land!!

It is so amazing for me to be the mother to my two awesome children. Now that Em is getting older and she is interacting more with Grey, it is so neat to see their relationship with each other and how it is growing everyday! Every so often we venture to sister's room and play there for awhile. We have tea, we read, we rock, we laugh, we climb, etc. It is so much fun!

Hanging with friends!

Greyson's two best friends are Sawyer and Benjamin. He loves getting to hang out with them! Here are some pics of a trip to the Children's Museum with Sawyer and the park to ride rides with Ben! Greyson is super excited too because the mommies have decided to repeat our fall-time trip to the beach with just the mommies and the boys this September!!

Beach 2010 Part 2 (cont'd)

Our camera battery died so the majority of our beach pictures are from the second half of the trip...but when all else fails...PopPop ALWAYS has his camera and is willing and ready to take pics!

Beach 2010 Part 2

On the 21st, B and PopPop came down and so mommy and us moved over to their place to stay at the beach after daddy went home. We ended up being at the beach for 10 days!!! We played on the beach (which sister loved...she didn't even try to eat the sand once!!), we went to eat at some great restaurants and we went to ride the rides at Broadway before daddy went home on Sunday!

Beach 2010 Part 1

Our little family went to the beach on May 17th and had a great time staying at a new place. We got to see the Dixie Stampede where once again Greyson was chosen to do the chicken chase during the show. (This was his 3rd time and I sadly think he has come to expect to be chosen, informing me at the hotel beforehand that he needed to wear his sneakers in case he had to go into the arena and chase the chickens again!) We enjoyed the indoor pool quite a bit while the weather was really hot in the afternoons and we went putt-putting where Greyson got 2 hole-in-ones!! Future golfer?? Maybe!

Lunch at the Park

Now that the weather is warm, we LOVE to go visit our daddy for lunch at the park near his office downtown. The park is beautiful and we are anxiously awaiting for them to turn the sprinklers on across the sidewalk so we can stay cool! The park is also right around the corner from the Children's Museum and grandma just renewed our membership for another year!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brushy, brushy, brushy...

We have two of the best tooth-brushing kids around. They love to brush their teeth!!! (it could be worse right...?) The Easter Bunny brought Greyson a "grown-up" toothbrush with guitars on it and Emery her first big girl toothbrush. Greyson has done a great job of showing Em how to brush her teeth and she is so hilarious doing it all by herself!

Eskimo KISSES!!!

Today I was loving on Grey and he asked me for an Eskimo kiss out of the blue. Daddy snapped a picture of my sweet boy and me!!!!


The saying that the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" applies so very much to my daughter Emery. She has a HUGE chocolate sweet tooth. While brother and I were getting lunch ready in the kitchen, Em made her way into the living room and found the candy dish. HA! We busted her! She was so proud of herself. Well....I couldn't blame her so I had to just start snapping pictures. She was even going after the dark M& mother, like daughter!!!

A Swingin' good time...

No explanation necessary.

Chalkin' it up in the driveway....

This afternoon Greyson and Emery decided to draw in the driveway with sidewalk chalk. Emery had a blast because it was the first time that she's been let loose in the I losing it as a mother?? Greyson was less-than annoyed by the sun. (And no, that isn't a milk mustache on Em's face.)