Monday, July 6, 2009


Because it is SO STINKING HOT in the afternoon, I have tried to do some sort of craft with Greyson in before or after lunch instead of being outside. We try to get out in the morning from about 9:30-11:30 and then head in. We have made some pretty cool stuff. I am trying to use the crafts to teach him things like drawing shapes, using a gluestick, counting, matching, patterns, and work on his fine-motor holding a pencil, scissors, drawing a line with a ruler, feeding string through a bead, etc. I realize that some of these things may be a little advanced for him, but he really is doing a good job trying and it doesn't hurt to practice, right?? Here are some pictures of the "koozies" that we made. The foam letters were stickers and I did help him with the spelling. He loved getting to surprise his daddy with his very own koozie when he got home! Great job Greyson!

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